MeedhiKunta Lake Revival
In the heart of Hyderabad, surrounded by Aparna County, Matrusrinagar, SMR Fountainhead is where Meedikunta lake lies. The lake was surrounded by several problems that needed to be tacked one at a time. From open defecation to no pathways to the lake, it had it all. It was covered with dense undergrowth and trash simultaneously with underground water pollution. Since it was used as a dumping ground equally by the society and industries, it led to becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes and harmful viruses. The rainwater inlets were choked while sewage inlets were opened into the lake. Overall, the lake required a helping hand to prevent further encroachment.
5th Sep 2019
Our Fundraising Book for Mission Meedikunta Fundraising Book which is self explained is release and distribution to all students and teachers
6th Sep 2019 - 22 sep 2019
Pitching to different platforms Students learned how to pitch and present in various platforms. Meet some stalwarts in the process
23rd Sep 2019
Rally for awareness on Meedikunta Lake Students and Teachers did an awareness rally in the neighbouring colonies about the condition of Meedikunta lake.
24th Sep 2019
Tea Party Invited all the neighbouring colonies for a tea party by the lake. Flash mob, paving a temporary path and the first cleanup drive at Meedikunta lake.
25th Sep 2019 - 1st Oct
Cleanup Drive Cleanup trash and overgrown weed with the help of machines. Marking of the boundaries at Meedikunta lake. Created one side bund.
2nd Oct 2019 - 30th Jan 2020
Promoting Organic Festivals Promoting organic festivals through awareness camps like clay Ganesha, fresh flowers Bathukamma, pollution free Diwali and Plastic free kites festival.
15th Feb, 2020
5K Run / walk Organised a 5k Run/Walk to bring in awareness on Meedikunta Lake revival. Engaged all the neighboring Colonies residents for the same. Over 500 people participated along with Well Wishers from Politics to Philanthropy.
1st - 22nd Mar 2020
Bund formation Formation of the bund on two sides of the lake to stop trash being dumped into the lake.
1st May- 30th Jun, 2020
Bund formation, Rain Water Inlets Construction of the bund on all sides of the lake with Rainwater inlets.
1st May - 30th June, 2020
Walking / Cycling tracks Created Walking / Cycling tracks around the lake. Un blocked the sluice, cleaned all the Duck weed, 50% of the plastic trash cleaned from the lake.
1st July, 2020 - Till now
Diverting all the sewage and unclean water. Diverting all the sewage and unclean water entering into the lake. Closed all the unauthorised bore-wells and a well in the FTL.

Due to the constant efforts of our students, The lake was cleaned and restored to its pristine beauty. A bund on all four sides and proper boundaries along with jogging and cycling tracks was established. A clear path surrounding the lake was made, with conventional sanitation standards. We cleared the undergrowth, and stopped open defecation, and removed encroachment. Even amidst the lockdown protocols and a deadly virus spreading terror, our committed team persisted on the completion of the urban lake revival of Meedikunta.
Bank Details
Bank : Bank of india
Name: Save water and Nature
SB Account No : 867210110003344
IFSC code : BKID0008672
Miyapur Branch, Hyderabad – 49.
UPI Details
We need all your support to make this effort successful. We know you will be proud to be part of the children’s project and be a great inspiration for the future generation. Contribute to this great project
You may Conveniently pay/Donate for the Lake Revival via any UPI App
UPI ID : bharatpe.9030100304@icici

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